(Windows ≥8.1) Right-click on the Windows icon in the taskbar (or press Win+X), and select Task Manager.

6.4 Game files missing after upgrading or refreshing Windows.6.3 Games cannot connect to servers on Windows XP / Vista.6.2 Older games refuse to start on Windows 8 and later.6 Issues fixed (missing files, codecs or APIs).5.10 Stuttering in games on Windows 10 v1709 and later.5.8 Wi-Fi background scan causes latency.5.7 Microstuttering in multiplayer games.5.6 SafeDisc protected games do not work with Windows 10.5.5 Lowered volume when using background Metro/UWP apps.5.4 Non-Unicode applications might not work properly.5.3 Shoddy coded applications mess system-wide registry setting.5.2 Set older 32-bit games to use 4 GB RAM instead of 2.5.1 Alt+F4 doesn't terminate frozen applications.4.2 Hardcoded display limits in Windows 10.4.1 Screen recorders, overlays, injectors won't work with Windows Apps.3.3 Running 16-bit applications on 64-bit systems.3 Backward compatibility and 1990's games.2.4 Disable driver updates delivered through Windows Update.